
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Yarn Along: Elijah and Dorothy

It's Wednesday, and time to post something yarn-related.

It's also 5:30 a.m.  Those are some digits on the clock I haven't seen lately (thank goodness).  Not really much of a morning person.  I can function at a most primitive of levels.  I start to become a human being around 8 a.m. and that's about as early as I can push that.

But I'm up because today is my first day of new-job training.  Thankfully - this will NOT be my usual schedule, because it causes me stress to wake up to an alarm clock.  I like to wake up either by a snuggling child, or with the light coming in the window.  Doesn't everyone?

Anyway - I'm surprised I'm doing so well writing this right now actually.  Haven't even had a cup of coffee yet.

My finished and still-on-the-needles projects right now are:

- an Elijah well on it's way.  I'm knitting with Debbie Bliss ecobaby fairtrade collection 100% organic cotton.  It's splitty BUT super soft, and I love the colors that are available, they're perfect for Elijah.   And the gauge for Elijah is purposefully worked tightly, so the splitting hasn't been much of an issue (plus I'm being super careful).  The fabric is tight, and soft, and I think it's going to be perfect for a baby toy.  The head and body took about 4 hours, and the yarn ends and stuffing are worked in as you go along.  It's been quick and fun so far.
Last week we finished Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and then moved on to the Wizard of Oz.  Our library has a really really really old edition.   Dorothy is much younger in the book, and the shoes are silver... not ruby.   Also the good witch is really old.  :)   It's fun to read, after seeing the movie version maybe a hundred times.  (I had sort of a Wizard of Oz addiction as a young kid)

Other finished objects around here:  a crocheted dishcloth (I know - not super exciting) but super useful... and the socks-of-many-colors are finished.

Posted as part of Ginny's Yarn Along over at Small Things, because books and knitting go together like peanut butter and apple slices.  yummy.

Now - What are you working on this week?  Any completed or uncompleted projects going on in your life?

** Also, I posted earlier this week a small request that if you visit here often (or even not often) would you please consider clicking "follow" over there on my left sidebar?  It would make me so happy!    I have a small goal in mind for my blog anniversary.

Hope you're all having a great week!


  1. I love the elephant and the socks! I need to get some more cotton dishcloth yarn and knit up some more dishcloths -- so useful, and I also find them to be a fun way to learn to do new things with knitting (pattern stitches, lace, etc.) in a low-pressure, inexpensive project.

  2. What a cutie that elephant is turning into! Love him! The socks are great too. Love fun knitted socks. :)

  3. That's funny about the slippers. Ruby slippers just say the Wizard of Oz to me. They must have thought that Ruby Slippers would read better in the technicolor world of oz.

  4. Can't wait to see Elijah. Do you have a pattern for the dishcloth? I'm starting to collect ideas.

  5. Your elephant is cute! I haven't knit one of those....yet!

  6. I've seen Elijahs around - so sweet!
    And well done for functioning at 5:30 am. That used to be my sons waking up time, and thus mine too - I never got used to it. We've pushed it to 6 now. Huge difference! :)

  7. lol. we are reading the wizard of oz right now too, there are quite a few interesting differences in the movie! but i too LOVED the movie as a kid and can't wait for my kids to see it. love the sock! that is what i am hoping to knit everyone for christmas...the 4 needle things scares me!


  8. @Ellen
    When I made that dishcloth, I just cast on whatever looked right, and I kept double-crocheting until I had made a square. That was it. :) Thanks for visiting!

  9. I have a prejudice against dpn's - I'll admit it. I frankly don't understand why anyone uses them, though friends of mine have tried to make the case for them. From my very first sock project years ago, I used a long circular and the magic loop. And I love it.

  10. I love that sweet Elijah! I started one and sadly never finished his ears...I'll have to do that one of these days. He sure is cute!

  11. Hi: You might have given me the push to knit Elijah. I have the perfect grey super soft merino and three great great nieces!
    I am writing to ask a question about Corinne. I have cast on and started to knit this wonderful sweater with Lana Gross Fragola - 70% cotton and 30% acrylic! I think it will drape nicely and is in a soft blue/cream mix. My question is - when you turn, did you knit the first stitch as you go back, or did you slip it? I am not sure, as you did not mention it and I thought you probably knit it when you turned. My tendency would be to slip that first stitch after the turn and knit to the end. Just a question I could not seem to find the answer to on Ravelry.
    I will certainly now follow your blog too. Peg on Vancouver Island

  12. Hi again: You send me the answer, if you have time, to swimmingpeg on Ravelry. Thanks, Peg
