
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hello Hello!

Hello dear readers - Just checking in.  Yes - I'm still here.  No - I know, I haven't been writing much lately.

We're just trying very hard to enjoy the last few drops of Summer as a family, before they slip through our fingers, I guess.

We have lots of plans in the coming weeks for fun, maybe some camping, a small road trip, more park picnics definitely, a backyard bbq, and of course, a couple more trips to the pool and possibly the beach too.  And in the near future, it looks like a Hurricane may be headed our way this weekend.    So - in the midst of all of this - and also while I try
desperately to adjust to this crazy night-work schedule I've now found myself on...

I think I'll take an announced break from this space for a few more weeks.  I'll be back on September 1st, if I'm not back before.
and we'll resume our regularly scheduled posts then, OK?

Until then - I hope you are enjoying the last of YOUR warm Summer days, and getting out to enjoy them as much as you can, even though Autumn and the new Fall schedules are knocking at the door (or are they already in full swing?  School seems to start earlier every year!)  

See you all soon!

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