
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Elijah-along anyone?

Well - little Elijah is almost done.  He still needs his eyes, and I'm making him a little coat too... for the Fall.

I am so smitten with this little elephant!  The project took me 2 weeks - because I have very little time to knit right now - and every step was fun.   The pattern is written so clearly, and the fact that it's knit in the round, and stuffed, and ends are sewn in as you go, makes for a finished project that requires - well - almost no finishing.  So when you're done, you're done.  Unless you look at him, and feel he might require a small coat.  Like I did.  And then - you're not quite done after all.

So -

Anyone interested in doing an Elijah-along with me?  I have enough yarn left to make 2 more, and since I have 2 little boys around here who keep asking me if this one is for them (it's not), I figured I might at as well make a couple more of these guys!

We could start next Wednesday... and I'd be happy to email you the pattern for his little coat if you want to knit an Elijah along with me.  Just leave me a comment and let me know if you're interested.

The only thing I've been reading this week are some poems here and there.  I always think - it would be neat to memorize some of my favorites.  So far, I've not done that.  But it's on my list.

In other book news, Mike and I went on a "date" night last weekend, and on his suggestion, we decided what  we would do was just get some dinner and coffee and go hang out at the bookstore for a while.  He wanted to read some electronics books, and I wanted - to knit.
We were SO disappointed.   I remember bookstores (this one was that big one, you know, the only one that's left anymore) that had big comfortable chairs, good coffee, and a pleasant atmosphere.  This one was freezing, stuffed and disorganized, was playing current hits from the radio (not at a volume that was conducive to reading either), there was NO where to sit down, and the building was FREEZING!
I got my coffee anyway, and managed to find a little table to sit down.  Mike finally found me, only to tell me that he had found 2 aisles called "Teenage Paranormal Romance" and absolutely NO books on electronics whatsoever.

So we left.

and we're not going back.


But anyway -

Let's make some more Elijahs!  Want to?

(Posted as part of the weekly Yarn along over at Small Things)


  1. Oh he looks so cute, even without eyes. And that little coat will look adorable! I would love to do a KAL but I'm already doing one at the moment and put other projects in hibernation for that =)

  2. Wow, that bookstore sounds so disappointing :( Love the fact that you are making your Elijah a jacket (it reminds me a little of a scene in Aladdin where Abu the monkey is turned into an elephant, but still has his little waistcoat on!)

  3. Our B & N bookstore, which is quite a drive, took away all cushy seats. Your elephant looks fantastic!

  4. The missing cushy seats is no accident. I have two very large book stores near me and both took them away but they are different companies. They figure if they remove the seating people wont stay so long they will just buy and leave.

    Also your Elijah is cute.

  5. I love your Elijah! I wish I didn't have so many other projects pending and could get one on my needles now!!!

  6. I love your Elijah-just adorable. I need to clear my basket before I start a new project, but in the future I would love to knit one.

  7. that stinks! our 'only big one left' has TONS of chairs, seating, and space galore! we also have one of those fantastic local three story stores which i love a lot, but not a lot of comfy seating at all, no room cause of all the books!

    i would do an elijah, i am not sure i am experienced enough for it, but it is great and could be a great project for my boy for christmas!


  8. ps. i am always cold everywhere inside in the summer! don't even get me started on the produce section of my natural

  9. I would do an Elijah with you but I am already knitting a pig for my daughter and then a horse for my son! He is so cute!!!

  10. I think Elijah is adorable, but I am only a beginner and not sure that I am skilled enough to make him?? I'd love to make one for one of my children for Christmas. So sorry to hear about your bad bookstore experience. They are sure not what they used to be :)

  11. @Amanda Well they were right - we didn't stay very long. Unfortunately, (for them) we also didn't buy anything. Thanks for stopping by
