
Thursday, June 23, 2011

NH Sheep and Wool Festival: A Rather Belated Post

This post is SO behind the times.  But that's me, lately.  WAY behind.  Back in May, we went as a family to the New Hampshire Sheep and Wool Festival, and I never posted my pictures.  So today, here I am to finally do that.  Because this blog is supposed to be sort of a family journal for us, and if I start leaving out our excursions willy-nilly, then who knows what I will leave out next?

Luckily, we decided on a whim to go on Saturday this year, instead of our usual Sunday trip, and I am so glad we did, because Sunday was a downpour of rain from beginning to end.

We began in the spinning and weaving section...  This friendly woman did her best to show G how to send the shuttle through the loom.  He did ok, but he was more interested in moving the heddle up and down.  That's a Harrisville loom - you already know that I think they're cool.  :)

All rocks must be climbed and conquered.  It's required.  Little Boys 101.
Some extremely proud looking llamas.  

And this guy.   Love the color of this alpaca.

and here's one with a fresh haircut.   Their necks look so long and too thin with their hair short.
We witnessed some sort of strange sheep and owner dress-up pageant going on in one of the barns.   Notice there are no llamas (because they have more dignity, obviously)

A Corinne sighting in the wild (my first).  This is Stephanie of Dirty Water Dyeworks.  I love the color of her Corinne, and she had the most lovely yarns for sale, too!   I picked up some beautiful hand-dyed sock yarn,  in the Beryl colorway, and I am thinking of casting on for a Haruni shawl with it.  But I'm not 100% sure yet on the project, so for now it's waiting.

It looks like she'll be at Sock Summit this year, so if you're going - definitely check out her yarns!

But other than that one yarn purchase, I really didn't haul a lot of loot out of this year's festival like I normally do.  I picked up some wool, and some cute buttons, but that was it.

And that's because I spent half of my money on a surprise drive-by yard sale find before we even got to the festival.  BUT LOOK!!

I found a dress form, in great condition, for $40!!!  I was so excited, I was clapping my hands and squealing like a child all the way to the wool festival.

Once again, one of my favorite days of the year.  Fiber festival day never disappoints!

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