
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A new dinner recipe: Salmon in Parchment

I have always wanted to try to bake fish in parchment, and finally did last week for Wednesday's dinner.   I wish I had tried this sooner, because I loved it!  And it was so easy and quick -

You basically cut up some veggies, (I've seen this basic recipe done with radishes, asparagus (that's what we used this time), with sliced zucchinis, squash, green beans... ) and lay them on the parchment paper.  Then you lay on your fish (we made salmon) and you season it with salt and pepper, and drizzle on a simple dressing (this one used lemon rind and juice, onion, vinegar), wrap them up in their little parchment pouches, and bake in the oven for 11 minutes.

Whalah!  Dinner!  And no clean up  - Super Whalah!!

That's all I've got today for you - but really - go out and buy some Wild Sockeye tonight and have yourself a nice dinner :)

Here's the recipe we used:

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