
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Swimming Pools and Sweaters

First: I did finish Johann's birthday sweater.  It's a simple top-down raglan, my Ravelry notes here, in a pretty gray marbled tweed wool.   It seemed small as I was holding it and making it, but J tried it on and it fits perfectly. 

Hooray for finished projects!

Now: Some photos of our (much-needed) weekend of fun, laughter, and family in North Conway.  We really don't go away much, so even just an over-night in the hotel was such an exciting occasion :)  for all of us.  We ordered pizza to the room, ate birthday cake, swam in the pools and went down the water slides (J even went down the super big tunnel slide!! how brave!)  We also spent an afternoon in the Mount Washington Valley Children's Museum and I may have had a spare moment to pop into one of the local yarn shops too.  I also may have purchased a small bit of handpainted sock yarn :).

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