
Monday, March 28, 2011

Sugaring Off

So we went back to the farm this weekend for the annual "Sugaring Off Party".

I know I've said before how much I LOVE New Hampshire, but really -

I LOVE New Hampshire!   In every season, there is something wonderful happening here.  And Sugar Weekend is one of my favorites :)

the sugar shack at our CSA: Middle Branch Farm.  I missed this place so much this winter.  I can't wait
until our Spring Share starts up again...  2 more months, 2 more months...

Here's farmer Roger showing J how to load the firewood into the evaporator.

the sap is flowing in - and we're waiting for it to get all hot and steamy :)

me with a mouthful of donut and my sugar stick (that was my second one).   I won't tell you how many donuts I ate because that's none of your business.

J with his "Sugar on Snow" by the snack table. 

There is no way this will last me until next year - but I couldn't carry any more...

Plus I have another pint from my AMAZING friend, who forbade me to mention who she is so that
no one else would know I've got some of her prized syrup. 

I am a syrup hoarder - and I don't care who knows it.

Next year - we'll tap our tree, and make a small go-of-it  ourselves.

Love N.H.

Did I say that already?

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