
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Weekend in Connecticut in photos

I was planning to share a new favorite salad recipe today, but I forgot to bring my memory card for my camera home last night from the office.  

So instead, I'm posting a picture gallery from our weekend in Connecticut.  Enjoy!

Now - I'm off to do some serious button shopping.  That's right.  Serious button shopping.  I have no time for dilly-dallying today.  The perfect buttons for my latest sweater project (to be published in my favorite knitting magazine in April!!!!!!!!!!!!!) must - and WILL - be found.  TODAY!!


(she's trying to get away from me, but I caught her.)

 J working on his Easter story

 G choosing a tune

G and great-grandpa cuddling.

as you can see - we spent the whole weekend inside, because it was just too darn cold! Brr.!!!

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