
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

On the shelf

Oh how I love reading!  Today, I thought I would simply share some recent additions to my bookshelf(shelves) with you.    I absolutely read all year-round, but winter especially is good for a book, you know?  or 10, or 12...  whatever.   

When the boys were born, I knew we would read to them often, but I didn't take what was actually ON their bookshelves too seriously.  Their shelf was a collection of gifts from loved friends and family, and then whatever books I came across from friends who were cleaning out their own children's shelves, or tag sale finds, or ... hm, I don't really know where all of them came from actually.  I DO know that lately, the sheer number of choices has become too overwhelming for them, as attested to by the fact that most days one of their favorite activities is simply pulling all of their books off of the shelf and leaving them there on the floor in a monstrous pile.  Nice.  After the 3rd or 4th time mama got wise.  mama learned.  and mama cleaned ALL of the books off of their shelves and started over.  Some were donated back to the thrift stores, some are in the basement waiting to enter back in to our regular rotation (on a one in- one out basis of course)... and then I added one or 2 new books to catch their interest again in the actual reading and not just the piling.  What we have now is a slimmed down, easily manageable pile of our most favorites, and it's working quite nicely!
The one we're loving the most is The Story of the Snow Children.

Such a sweet book, with beautiful pictures.  Reading about snow has been especially nice since we haven't had any real flurries yet to speak of... but the anticipation is mounting!
Next, because I have high high hopes for our garden next year.. 
This book, and this one

were recent gifts from a dear friend who knows my passion for food and cooking, and who has also given me a book to help me with the problem of what to do with all of the cooking scraps and leftovers.  Maybe in a future post, I will share with you the compost pile that Mike built this summer, and our progress...

And of course, some crafting books, which I received as birthday presents last week.. Luv Luv Luv them both!  (thank you mom!  thank you Michael!)

And lastly, because when I'm not actively parenting, I enjoy reading about parenting...

Actually that "Saying Grace" book is just a collection of beautiful simple poems for saying grace at dinner.  We read a new one before dinner every now and then... I recommend this book to you, as some of the poems are lovely in their simplicity and really start off dinner nicely :)

What about you?  What is on your bookshelf right now?

And because I promised this about a week ago, here...  finally, are Johann's finished winter pajamas.

I am most proud that I managed to get the size right, and the elastic waistband in there.  It was my first wearable sewing project (I'm not counting my sister's apron) and I am much indebted to my friend Lill who helped tutor me through the whole waistband process.  I ironed on some extra fabric snowman to a plain white tshirt, and finished the embroidery last night. 

Goodbye friends until tomorrow!~

1 comment:

  1. My books on my nightstand (it's a big nightstand):
    Life and Death of Great American Cities Jane Jacob (unopened)
    ON SILENCE - unopened
    Frozen Desserts - getting through the first half
    Zen Guitar - through about half
    Heat - Bill Buford through about half
    Ice Cream U - through about half
    Small Museums of PA - read a few articles every now and then.
    Handcrafted Modern - trying to read but mostly just look at all the pictures and then give up.
    The Selby - trying to read but mostly just look at all the pictures and then give up.
    The Great Gatsby - trying to finish this book since the 9th grade but think it's really boring.
    Jacque Pepin's La Technique - read a few pages every other night.
